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A Pipeline is a form of workflow, defined as a linear sequence of other workflows - which could be Tasks, other Pipelines, or Graphs. The pipeline structure is ideal for situations where data processing needs to occur in a straightforward, unidirectional manner, moving from the start to the end of the pipeline without any loops or conditional paths.

In Scribe, each component of the pipeline, be it a task, another pipeline, or a graph, has the ability to modify the context properties. The context is a shared object that is passed from one workflow to the next, allowing workflows to communicate and pass data to each other.


Following the definition of the pipeline, a new task is added to the pipeline using the push method. This task does not modify the context, but in a real-world scenario, tasks can manipulate the context, perform operations, call APIs, etc.

Finally, the runWorkflow function is used to execute the pipeline, initiating the forward pass and eventually the backward pass of the pipeline's workflows.

import { runWorkflow, Scribe } from "";

// Create a new Scribe instance
const scribe = new Scribe<MyCtx>();

const myPipeline = await scribe.createPipeline({
name: "My Pipeline",
ops: {
// Set up a dummy push operation workflow (a Task in this case)
push: async (_ctx, next) => {
await next();
// Set up a dummy runFor operation workflow (a Task in this case)
runFor: async (_ctx, next) => {
await next();

// Add one or more workflows to the pipeline
await myPipeline.push(
async (_ctx, next) => {
await next();

// Run the pipeline
await runWorkflow(myPipeline, ctx);

The pipeline workflow provides a clean, organized way to manage linear workflows, making it easier to understand the sequence of operations, debug the code, and extend the pipeline with new workflows. It also ensures that all workflows in the pipeline have access to a shared context, simplifying the data passing between different parts of the workflow.